Kristin Manger Lindner - kunst - looking at art

Looking at art through the eyes of an online student

Kristin Manger Lindner about our new online Art School course:

I have just completed the course Looking at art through the Eyes of Velazquez and give it my warmest recommendations. A few weeks into the course I already had a basic understanding of Velazquez’s wonderful art as well as the time in which he lived.

The 17th century is exciting, to say the least. Slave trade, inquisition, counter-reformation, empirical power struggles, art, literature, activism etc.

I found the online resources both helpful and interesting. The videos, photos and additional information provided, some by prominent museums, were fascinating and very useful for the course assignments and blog posts.

Jeremy Roe is a knowledgeable and skilled supervisor. He provides quick feedback and understands how to motivate. Also, he often and refers to articles, books and studies providing deeper insight into relevant themes and topics.

Velazquez was a pioneering artist who continues to fascinate and generate debate, almost 400 years after his time. This course has motivated me to seek out as many exhibitions displaying his art as possible and expand my understanding of “The Golden Age.”

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